June 16, 2024, 2:11 PM ·

With all the openings at theme parks around the world in the past month, it’s time to open our voting for Best New Attraction of 2024.

To be awarded with the Theme Park Insider Awards on January 1, 2025, the Best New Attraction award will honor Theme Park Insider readers’ collective pick for the best new ride, show or experience of the year. Voting is open to all registered readers of Theme Park Insider and you must be logged in to vote.
Last year’s winner was Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios HollywoodI am opening the voting now, but you can continue to change your top 10 nominations up until December 15, when voting will close and I will tally the results. If it’s close at the top, there will be a run-off vote on Theme Park Insider’s front page at the end of December. But if it’s a runaway, as this category often has been in the past, a run-off will not be necessary to declare the winner.You can find our reviews and on-ride or full-show videos of top contenders for this year’s award on our New Theme Park Attractions in 2024 page. Please rank up to 10 of these attractions on your list, with your top pick at number one.Here is the link to vote: Best New Attraction of 2024.

In addition the Best New Attraction award, you can vote right now on these other Theme Park Insider Award categories:Again, you must be registered and logged in to vote and the votes will be open until December 15 for your changes. In these categories, if you voted last year, those rankings will pre-populate your 2024 ballot, to save you from having to type it all in all over again.Your rankings will help determine not just the 2025 Theme Park Insider Awards, but also the reader rankings on our Theme Park Visitors Guides, which will update in January with the new rankings.Thank you for being part of the Theme Park Insider community and for participating in our rankings.* * *
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