We have been closely following the construction progress of the World Celebration EPCOT Transformation which includes the CommuniCore Hall and Plaza. With the end of 2023 now looming and still no official opening date for the Epcot Transformation we thought we would take a look at how the area currently looks.
In the video posted this week to YouTube by Park Update we get to see the view of the Epcot Transformation including CommuniCore Hall from the monorail.

Progress has definitely been made since our last update and the central section which houses the large planter which is based on the five-ring EPCOT logo looks almost complete. New signage has also gone up just in front of this planter. The box behind it is where we assume the Walt the Dreamer Statue is but this has not been revealed yet.
There is a lot of work going on in the CommuniCore Plaza with diggers and construction vehicles on site and large piles of earth having been dug.
Work on the CommuniCore Hall is also still underway particularly in the area at the front. We still await confirmation from Disney as to exactly when this area will be opened and with us getting nearer to the end of the year we expect to hear news very soon. 
In a photo update posted to Twitter by Bioreconstruct back on October 14, we saw that work was continuing in the center of World Celebration and the area was really beginning to take shape. 

Current monorail view of the center of World Celebration. pic.twitter.com/eFmB2sLz87
— bioreconstruct (@bioreconstruct) October 14, 2023
Here is a close up of the exterior of CommuniCore Hall with the triangular lattice and walls with mount strips for exterior panels and dark grids with mount strips for panels. It seems likely that the crates contain the themed exterior panels.

A look at 3 areas of exterior at CommuniCore Hall.
• Triangular lattice
• Walls with mount strips for exterior panels
• Dark grids with mount strips for panelsCrates in foreground likely have some panels. pic.twitter.com/eLzZWrQYbj
— bioreconstruct (@bioreconstruct) October 14, 2023
There has also been a new video posted to YouTube by Park Update showing the current view of CommuniCore Hall and Plaza taken from the monorail. It is encouraging to see the progress that has been made since the last video in September.

We still eagerly await news of an official opening date for CommuniCore Hall and Plaza which is still expected to be before the end of 2023. We will keep you updated on this and construction progress as we head through the coming few weeks.
In a previous photo update posted to Twitter at the end of September by Bioreconstruct we can see that further trees have been added and work is continuing on the walkways. Here is an aerial overview to begin with.

Aerial overview of current work on World Celebration. pic.twitter.com/s12KPRys7N
— bioreconstruct (@bioreconstruct) September 23, 2023
This image below shows an aerial overview of CommuniCore Plaza and Hall where you can see work is progressing on the EPCOT 5-ring logo.

Aerial overview of CommuniCore Plaza and Hall.
EPCOT 5-ring logo is taking shape at bottom center. pic.twitter.com/K0xoPmCCaM
— bioreconstruct (@bioreconstruct) September 23, 2023
Here is a close up view of the 5-ring EPCOT logo in World Celebration.

In this aerial photo of work so far on the 5-ring EPCOT logo in World Celebration:
1,2,3 Some of the gardens with completed landscaping
4 Copper color sculptures have translucent geometric shapes in their surfaces. As seen at their shadows. pic.twitter.com/EpMtnRduwD
— bioreconstruct (@bioreconstruct) September 23, 2023
Work is continuing on the walkway between CommuniCore Hall and Journey of Water where a frame has been cast into the pavement. More of these frames are expected to be added.
Image: BioreconstructMore trees are being planted in CommuniCore Plaza. A number of these near the walkway will be taller in order to obscure the view to discourage other guests stopping during performances.

Aerial look at work on CommuniCore Plaza. Trees are steadily being added. Tall enough near the walkway to discourage guests from stopping there during performances. pic.twitter.com/pAseoqUp2i
— bioreconstruct (@bioreconstruct) September 23, 2023
As you can see in the new video update posted to YouTube by Park Update and embedded below, work appears to be pushing forward in the central section. This new area is slated to open by the end of this year and with only three months to go there does seem to be a lot of work still to complete. We will continue to keep you posted on construction progress and further announcements regarding the confirmed opening date for CommuniCore Hall and Plaza at EPCOT.

Back in August, reporter Scott Gustin posted a photo of the new mural artwork which will be added to the exterior of the CommuniCore Hall at EPCOT. As you can see, the mural contains images of Mickey, Minnie, Donald Duck and Figment and appears to have a retro feel. It certainly looks bright and fun, let us know your thoughts by leaving us a comment below or on our Facebook page.

Walt Disney World Cast Members were given a first look at the new mural artwork coming to the exterior of CommuniCore Hall at EPCOT. pic.twitter.com/tRlUhcmrnS
— Scott Gustin (@ScottGustin) August 15, 2023
Work appears to be progressing well on this new area of EPCOT and according to recently posted photos by Bioreconstruct developments are being made on CommuniCore Hall and Plaza. Most of the lattice has been added to the CommuniCore Hall exterior, large white triangles are expected to be secured to these.

Lattice is on most of the CommuniCore Hall exterior. Large white triangles will be secured to the lattice. pic.twitter.com/NeeiQPdq6V
— bioreconstruct (@bioreconstruct) August 12, 2023
Work is also taking place on the walkways along CommuniCore Hall as can be seen in the post below with many now complete. You can also see how the area will have a lot of trees and greenery.

Current work in the walkways along CommuniCore Hall. Aerial photo Aug 9. pic.twitter.com/HSvHMEr6Rb
— bioreconstruct (@bioreconstruct) August 12, 2023

Aerial overview of World Celebration. Many walkways are complete. There’s pavement also at what will be a 5-ring EPCOT logo at center, next to walls forming the globe in the logo. pic.twitter.com/yLjp4JGXuh
— bioreconstruct (@bioreconstruct) August 10, 2023
This last photo shows a look from the monorail across World Celebration, when this is completed it is sure to be a fantastic new area of EPCOT. This EPCOT transformation is slated to open later this year, we hope this is a deadline that Disney can make as it certainly looks like they still have quite a long way to go before it is complete. We will update you on the official opening date as soon as it is announced.

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