Discover how to maximize your Disney experience with our ultimate Genie+ stacking strategy at Hollywood Studios! 🚀 In this video, we demonstrate how to ride seven top attractions in just three hours using the power of Genie+ and Lightning Lanes. Learn step-by-step how to stack your Lightning Lanes for back-to-back ride access, saving you time and making the most of your Disney day.

✨ Genie+ 101: Understanding the basics
✨ Cost and benefits breakdown
✨ Morning strategy essentials
✨ Real-time examples and visuals

Don’t miss out on these expert tips!

0:00 Why stacking?
0:39 Genie+ 101
1:31 Genie+ morning strategy
3:20 1st ride strategy
5:59 Getting more rides
7:12 Tips to stack LL
9:12 How to stack LL
12:45 Real example