UPDATE December 8 – The roller coaster construction crew working on what will be the UK’s tallest and fastest roller coaster when it opens in 2024 continue to make huge progress at Thorpe Park.
More supports and track are continually being brought to the Hyperia site. In the latest video posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone you can see that the supports and track are going in for the slow outer bank element as soon as you leave the station before you get to the base of the 236ft lift hill.

Work is also happening on the transfer track which will enable trains to be moved from the Hyperia track over to the maintenance building for necessary work to be done. The colossal support structure for the central section of Hyperia is beginning to rise with further work expected on this in the coming days and weeks.
November 25 – To say that excitement is building surrounding Hyperia at Thorpe Park would certainly be an understatement. In the latest construction update posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone we can see that having completed the never seen before twist element, the roller coaster construction crew are now focussing their attention on the central section where the support structure is rising for the splashdown section of the roller coaster. 
We get to see further white track being delivered to the site which we assume is to connect the existing structure with the splashdown element. The final brake run was completed last week and in this update there has been the addition of the cat walks. Work on the station building continues with walls now being erected. 

We expect further work to be done on the splashdown element and station over the coming weeks before work commences on the 236ft lift hill and we will continue to update you with the progress being made on Hyperia at Thorpe Park which when it opens will be the tallest and fastest roller coaster in the UK. 
November 20 –  In the previous video update posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone on November 19, we get to see the recent progress that has been made over the last week on Hyperia at Thorpe Park.  
The track for the last air time hill is in place and the newest thing to update you on regarding the Hyperia construction progress is that the final brake run is now complete and connected to the station. It is expected that the cat walks for the brake run will be going into place in the coming days.

Work continues on the station where we can see that it now has a roof and the stairs are now in place which will ultimately take guests to their first ride on Hyperia.
In the video Jack confirms that the massive support structure in the middle section is going to be the next area the team will focus on. The current schedule will see the roller coaster construction team being on site until January at which point they will leave to make way for the extensive landscaping of the site and in order for the queue line to be put in and the ride’s plaza. We will continue to bring you updates over the coming weeks and months as we head closer to the official opening in spring 2024.
November 15 –  In the very exciting update, we get to see that the twist element which has never been done before on this scale is already now complete and there are stunning views of this in the video which is embedded below.

Work is continuing on the splash down element of Hyperia which will be 3m below lake level and will provide water effects as the train passes. A number of low supports are currently being put into place for this splash down element.
The concrete base is now in place for the lift hill and appears to be ready for the supports and track to be brought over and installed. 
Gold track has now been installed in the station and the plan is to get the ride hardware in over the next month including the ride operations booth. 
We will alight a number of steps before boarding Hyperia as the track is positioned on the first level and it is explained in the video that the ride hardware including the mechanics and electronics will sit a considerable height up from ground level to ensure it is never affected by flooding due to this site being prone to flooding.
Work is also progressing very well on the maintenance building which now has walls and the roof. You can see where trains will be stored and work will be done as and when needed. We expect to see work beginning on the huge lift hill in the coming weeks when we will finally be able to get a glimpse of the true height of what will be the tallest roller coaster in the UK when it opens in Spring 2024! 
October 26 – The current progress on Hyperia at Thorpe Park is amazing to see. We had already seen supports being put into place, gold track being added and the station building going vertical. Now, in the latest video construction update posted on October 25 by Jack Silkstone we see white track being installed.
Two huge support towers have gone up in the lower end of the site and deliveries of track are happening very frequently including the lift hill stairs. As work continues on the bottom section of Hyperia at lightning speed, we are hoping to see work on the lift hill commencing in the coming few weeks.

October 18 – Work on the upcoming tallest and fastest roller coaster in the UK is progressing fast. Last week we saw the supports starting to go into place as well as the first track sections being installed. Now, huge steel beams are being put into place for the station building.
As is shown in the plans, guests will alight steps to get to the loading platform meaning the station building is very tall as can be seen in the newest construction video posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone which is embedded below.

As more supports are added, we begin to get an idea of the actual scale of Hyperia which will stand at 236ft tall when completed. With Saw The Ride nearby reaching 100ft and Colossus standing at 98ft, Hyperia will certainly tower over these iconic attractions and take the title of King of the Coasters at Thorpe Park when it opens in 2024.
We expect to see further track being installed as well as work on the station building developing over the coming weeks and we look forward to bringing you future updates on the construction progress for Hyperia.
October 13 – The excitement for Thorpe Park fans this week can barely be contained. Earlier this week, we saw Hyperia go vertical with the very first gold supports being put into place and now according to the newest video update, posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone we get to see that the first sections of gold track have now been added to those supports.
It is really amazing to see how quickly supports and track are now being installed for Hyperia since it went vertical earlier this week. We will continue to update you on construction progress and be sure to see what Hyperia currently looks like by watching the video by Jack Silkstone which is embedded below.

October 11 – The beginning of this week has brought with it some extremely exciting news for Thorpe Park. Recently we found out the name and theme for Project Exodus which will be HYPERIA, after the fearless goddess. When HYPERIA opens in 2024, it will be the UK’s tallest and fastest roller coaster standing at 236ft above ground level and reaching speeds of 81mph.
After months of preparation and ground work we have all been waiting for the day that Project Exodus, now HYPERIA will go vertical and as you can see from the video posted to YouTube on October 9 (timestamp 8:45), below by Jack Silkstone, that day has finally arrived. A large crane was on site and the first gold supports have gone into place and we now expect work to ramp up on the installation of further supports in the coming weeks followed by the track.

We will inform you of further updates on HYPERIA as they take place, are you excited to see the first gold supports go into place? Let us know your thoughts by leaving us a comment below or on our Facebook page.

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