UPDATE January 20 – It is official, Nemesis Reborn at Alton Towers has been seen testing. This is very exciting news for Alton Towers fans.In the new video posted to YouTube by Digital Dan we get to see the iconic scenes once more of Nemesis Reborn gliding around the new track. We now just await confirmation of the official opening date for Nemesis Reborn which we expect to be at the start of the season on Saturday March 16, 2024.January 9 – Very exciting news came yesterday for UK theme park fans as Alton Towers released a new advert on their social media channels for “Nemesis Reborn” which is set to open at the start of the 2024 season in March.We can see the return of the original 1994 logo with the added Reborn which looks amazing in the red and black colours. We see the updated station which appears to include an animated eye. The iconic soundtrack will remain as heard in the advert.Back with a vengeance…Nemesis Reborn. Sign up now: pic.twitter.com/yajaXjGVYV— Alton Towers Resort (@altontowers) January 8, 2024We expect Nemesis Reborn to open at the start of the 2024 which will be Saturday March 16th but we still await official confirmation from Alton Towers on this. The new advert just says “coming soon”. Testing on Nemesis Reborn is expected to begin imminently and we will keep you posted on the developments on this here at Theme Park Tourist.Image: Alton TowersDecember 31 – We now have confirmation that the first day of the 2024 Alton Towers season will be Saturday March 16th. Whilst we expect Nemesis to be open on March 16th, this has not been officially confirmed as of yet.In a new video construction update posted to YouTube by Theme Park Worldwide we get to see the latest developments from December 29. We still await exact confirmation of the layout of the queue line for Nemesis when it opens but what is becoming clearer is the potential layout of the new queue line as seen in the video.The old queue line has been changed with all of the old wooden fences having been removed. New pathways have been laid underneath the lift hill and round the first drop. Speakers have been added to the queue line. It also looks like the queue will go around the stall area.Black queue line fencing is now going into place. The queue looks like it will be routed around the top area of Nemesis which has not been the case for a number of years. This will certainly give guests great views of Nemesis as they wait to ride.Aerial images are included in the new video construction update posted to YouTube by Theme Park Worldwide where we get to see the track, station building and the recently placed helicopter at the top of the stall turn.The iconic red waterfalls were switched off due to environmental issues so although it would be brilliant to see this feature return we think this is unlikely. However, waterfalls may still be installed just without the red dye.If we focus on the Station building we can see that spikes have now appeared on top of the legs of the monster. Painting has also been taking place on the legsWork is also happening on what will be the new Nemesis shop where an extension is planned. We will continue to update you with further progress being made to the queue line as we head towards the highly anticipated opening date for Nemesis. December 27 – If you ask any UK theme park fan there will likely be two things on their “To Do” list for 2024. One will be to ride Hyperia at Thorpe Park when it opens this spring as it will take the crown from The Big One at Blackpool Pleasure Beach as the new tallest roller coaster in the UK standing at 236ft above sea level.The other will undoubtedly be to ride the reopened Nemesis at Alton Towers. Nemesis closed at the end of the 2022 season for a total retracking and is set to open at the start of the 2024 season. We have been following the progress very closely during the year. In an exciting video posted recently to YouTube by Digital Dan we get to see new theming on Nemesis.As you can see from the video there appears to have been the addition of a helicopter  and tentacles seem to encase the queue entry. There has been further work done on the station and we are still awaiting to hear if there will be a change to the name although we certainly expect “Nemesis” to remain. Digital Dan suggests in the video “Nemesis Reborn” as a possible but we still await confirmation on this.November 11 – It has been 12 months since the old Nemesis track began to be removed at Alton Towers and this week we saw the final pieces of the new track being installed at Alton Towers.Although the park is now closed, a video posted to YouTube by Theme Park Worldwide shows the last pieces of track now in place for the iconic Nemesis which appears to still be on schedule to reopen in March 2024.Work is still taking place on the Nemesis monster which stands as the station building as well as the queue line. Although the new trains are on site and are being stored in the maintenance building, we don’t expect testing to begin on Nemesis until the new year. We will continue to update you on the progress on the station and queue line as well as testing over the winter months and can not wait for the official reopening at the start of Alton Towers 2024 season.October 29 – It’s been a little while since we have updated you on the construction progress on Nemesis at Alton Towers. Below you can see a photo of how the site currently looks as well as a video embedded to YouTube recently by UK Theme Parks showing the latest developments.As you can see almost all of the track is now in place, painting is well underway on the station bringing the monster to life, the lift hill has been painted and has received the vein art work which features on the rest of the track. The entrance to Nemesis has been painted and we await confirmation of the plan for this arch which will take eager guests to the new Nemesis.Image: Steve SimYou can see photos in the video of the queue line and we look forward to seeing exactly how this will wind around Nemesis and the details to be added to create the perfect beginning for guests as they await their ride on Nemesis. We will continue to keep you updated and as far as we can see, everything looks on track for the March 2024 reopening.September 1 – In the new video update posted to YouTube by Theme Park Worldwide on August 30, we get to see that all of the supports are now in place and most of the track is now installed with only a few sections left to go in from the top of the lift hill to the drop which are expected to arrive to site soon. The completed corkscrew element can now also clearly be seen.The painting of the lift hill and brake run has now begun and there has been more detailing added to the top of the station. The dark grey and red paintwork which has a more rustic appearance is really beginning to stand out and is looking very impressive.Another interesting thing to note is that the old queue line fence has been taken out and it appears that the whole queue line is in the process of being ripped up. From the plans we expect the queue line to remain in the same place but Alton Towers obviously has aims to also revitalise this queue area.We will continue to inform you of further updates as they appear on this exciting retracking of Nemesis.August 17 – Exciting progress is being made on Nemesis at Alton Towers. In the latest construction video posted to YouTube on August 16 by Theme Park Worldwide we get to see the beginning of the installation of the corkscrew with the first sections going into place, the continued painting of the lift hill and updates to the station building.In the video which is embedded below you get to see the beginning of the installation of the iconic corkscrew on Nemesis which is expected to be completed in the next few weeks. Major refurbishment work continues on the station building including further painting. We are looking forward to bringing you the next update very soon.July 27 – In the latest construction update posted to YouTube by Theme Park Worldwide, we can see that the Zero-G roll has now been installed. You can get great views of this from the ground level and observation platform. It appears to have slightly different profiling and appears to be more compact than before so you won’t spend as much time on your back.It has also been noted that the vertical loop has thicker spine sections to connect to the supports, this is assumed to be to made it stronger so it lasts longer. It now looks like the inversion is actually made up from three different track segments, where before it was constructed of two longer segments. A primer coat has now been applied to the lift hill in preparation for being painted black with the red veins. We are still waiting for the first corkscrew to be installed as well as the helix.Changes are being made to the station, scaffolding has been erected and the eyes have been removed from the monster. Part of the monster has started to be painted black. We are expecting significant work to be done and we will continue to update you on this. New wooden cut outs and a wooden structure has appeared on site which could be for the theming of the station.A lot of pressure washing is happening on site including the extensive rock work. We still eagerly await news regarding the colour of the trains. We will continue to bring you updates on the Nemesis retracking as it progresses at Alton Towers. July 23 – In the latest construction update from Theme Park Worldwide on July 20, we get to see that the iconic loop has now gone into place on Nemesis at Alton Towers and it certainly looks very impressive.This new section of track was installed last week, we also get to see the Stall and new supports appear to have gone in place near to the station. We still await the installation of the helix and corkscrew and track for the Zero-G roll appears to be waiting in the car park on the trucks in preparation for this.July 10 – It has been a little while since we have updated you on the progress currently taking place on the iconic Nemesis roller coaster at Alton Towers. Theme Park Worldwide have released their latest video update with footage taken from the park on July 5, where we get to see a whole host of developments having taken place.From the observation platform you can see all the new track and supports which have been installed and the black and red track and black supports certainly look vibrant and impressive especially in the gleam of the summer sunshine. The stall turn and overbank are now in place and we still await the track to be installed for the Zero-G roll, the helix and the corkscrew.Scaffolding is up on the lift hill ready for painting to begin and scaffolding is in place on the station building ready for extensive work to be done on the theming of the Nemesis monster. Further track and supports have arrived in the car park which we expect to be installed in the coming weeks. We will continue to bring you updates on this extensive Nemesis reimagining at Alton Towers on our news and Facebook page.  June 19 – The current retracking of the iconic Nemesis at Alton Towers is certainly one of the most exciting things happening in a UK theme park right now. Due to reopen at the start of the 2024 season, Alton Towers is making excellent progress with this massive project.We were lucky enough to take a trip to Alton Towers on Wednesday June 14 to check out the latest developments on Nemesis. Take a look at our photo update below showing how this iconic roller coaster currently looks.Image: Theme Park TouristImage: Theme Park TouristImage: Theme Park TouristImage: Theme Park TouristJune 12 – You can see further updates from earlier in June from Coaster Clips which shows a tour of the construction site. As you can see since our last update a lot more track has been added and there is work being done on the mysterious creature which acts as the station building.From the footage in the car park, you can see that there are huge amounts of track uncovered meaning it is ready for installation and we are expecting this to continue to be put into place during this week and beyond. We will bring you further news of the developments over the coming weeks including the work being done to the station building.The plan was to keep the Nemesis creature but to update the station to blend into the new twist on the theme. We can only surmise that the story will be changed slightly as it was assumed that the track used to act as the ropes being in place to hold the creature down. But, now it has the red vein design on it giving us the impression that the track is perhaps part of the creature itself. We will await confirmation on the storyline. Continue, to read previous updates and developments from the Nemesis retracking at Alton Towers… 

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